Friday, July 6, 2018

Ancient Wellness Center gets National Attention via

Ancient Wellness Center provides a reliable pain relief without complications & side effects. PEMF for pain therapy offers many benefits & frequently the patient can avoid the use of medications. 

PEMF for pain therapy pulses a magnetic field into the body creating a healing effect. Cellular metabolism is boosted, blood cells are regenerated, circulation is improved & oxygen carrying capacity is increased. 

The immune system becomes healthier, the nervous system relaxes, bones & joints become stronger & vital organs such as the liver, kidneys & colon are able to rid themselves of impurities. 

PEMF for pain therapy can reduce pain & improve the quality of life by allowing your body to function properly.

Ancient Wellness Center

Check out Cancer.News for updates on PEMF therapy

Old Dominion University gets multi-million dollar grant awarded to work on cancer cure via pulse therapy!

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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Ancient Wellness Center gets National Attention via

Cancer tumors KILLED by pulsed electric stimulation!! Read this now

Ultra-quick electric pulses KILLING cancer cells – Time for the world to pay close attention

For more than a decade, a team of cancer researchers at Old Dominion University (ODU) in Norfolk, Virginia have been studying a new type of cancer therapy that utilizes nano-second stimulation by ultra-fast electrical pulses to kill tumor cells, and now, after testing it out on mice, it’s working. Generating about 3 million pulses in about the time it takes your heart to beat once, this new form of cancer therapy is killing liver cancer tumors in less than 10 minutes, and they’re not growing back.
The pulses are generated by a machine no larger than an old computer monitor, and what’s taking place is no less than prolific. The pulse system is generating electrical stimulation that triggers the human immune system to not only locate the bad cells, but to hone in on them with cancer-killing cells and attack. This is an enormous breakthrough for bio-electrics, for the natural health world, and for natural cures in general. Clinical trials on humans are said to begin as soon as possible. There will be long lines, folks.

ODU receives $42 million in stock in exchange for related bioelectric cancer-curing research

ODU is the premier research institution in the world for this type of work right now, and it’s quickly catapulting into a worldwide movement and mission that has Engineers, Biologists and Biochemists all working under the same roof. Researchers from Japan and Germany even began an international consortium on bioelectric studies.
Federal approval may not be far away, especially since the new technology may even help treat melanoma, a vigorous form of cancer that has increased by more than 50 percent every year of the last decade. This all began nearly 20 years ago when short bursts of electricity were found to kill bacteria. Then, in 2007, the technology proved useful in eradicating melanoma tumors in mammals and that’s when this project that involves “immunotherapy” garnered national recognition.
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The best part of the therapy is that the ODU team discovered a heightened immune response in treated areas, which is the exact opposite of chemotherapy. In other words, the patient’s own immune cells get a “booster shot” from natural stimulation, instead of being crippled by chemicals involved with relentless chemo treatments. This itself is a complete game changer. Electric pulse therapy may be the “WMD” for cancer, one of the toughest disease and disorder challenges of all time.

Pulse electricity already being used to deliver drugs to treat infections, so now it’s time to send cancer-killers directly to the tumors

Need to deliver some extra oxygen to mitochondria? Need to deliver some extra organic supplements and blood supply to the organs? Need to deliver some proteins to create blood vessels for someone suffering from ischemia (inadequate blood supply to the heart) or to heal wounds?
If you’re still confused as to how magnetic pulse therapy works, consider this explanation by a couple of the researchers, “… by enveloping cancer cells with microscopic grains of iron oxide, the magnetic pulses will vibrate faster and faster until the cells overheat and die. No damage ensues to the surrounding healthy cells and no potentially damaging radiation is used.” This can be used to treat many types of cancers, maybe all of them, including lung and pancreatic cancer. “If you heat cancer cells up to 43 degrees C [109.4F] they start to die. Our natural body temperature is 37 degrees C [89.6 F]. The technique that we are using, we are able to reach that threshold,” Dr. Janes said.

PEMF technology utilized by NASA quite similar to ODU research and findings

Check out pulse electricity in medicine. This research can extend way beyond cancer, into anti-aging, pain management, injury recovery, and more. Similar to the pulse electricity being utilized and tested at Old Dominion University, many private wellness centers are starting to use pulsed electro-magnetic field therapy (PEMF) for similar goals. It’s actually nothing new. NASA has used PEMF for years. In fact, they’ve already invested $3.5 million into further research of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy studies. NASA has developed its own PEMF devices that are being used to reverse bone loss experienced by astronauts in outer space, due to their loss of Earth’s magnetic field. Plus, PEMF can be utilized to heal broken bones that were unable to heal despite repeated surgical attempts. NASA has also found PEMF works for repairing traumatized tissues and for developing tissues for transplantation.
PEMF doesn’t just benefit astronauts, obviously. Get ready to see this therapy much more commercialized for healing muscle diseases, osteoporosis, depression, inflammation, weight loss, anti-aging, and much more. You may not find PEMF in your local hospital or doctor’s office yet, since the medical industrial complex in the USA is more into treating symptoms of disease and disorder rather than healing folks, but wellness centers like Ancient Wellness Center in Virginia Beach (just 10 miles from ODU) have “club members” raving about the benefits. PEMF is FDA-approved and has also been featured on the Dr. Oz show. So, what are you waiting for?
Sources for this article include:

Ancient Wellness Center

Check out Cancer.News for updates on PEMF therapy

Old Dominion University gets multi-million dollar grant awarded to work on cancer cure via pulse therapy!

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Monday, July 2, 2018

ODU researchers are using electric pulses to kill cancer cells. And they say it's working.

Frank Reidy Center for Bioelectrics at Old Dominion University.

Reposted from The Virginia Pilot on July 2, 2018:

It was 2014, and a post-doctoral researcher working with Stephen Beebe at Old Dominion University came rushing into the professor’s third-floor office with the news.
The liver cancer tumors she had put under the skin of a mouse about two weeks prior had not grown back.
This was what they had hoped for.
For the last dozen or so years, Beebe and his team had been studying a new form of cancer therapy that uses ultra-quick electrical pulses to kill tumor cells.
How fast are they? In the time it takes for your heart to beat once, researchers could generate 3 million of these nanosecond electric pulses.
This wasn’t the first time the same mouse had been given cancerous cells. The first time, Beebe and the student treated the mouse using electric pulses to kill the tumor. A treatment can last anywhere from five to seven minutes, Beebe said. The team can pulse a mouse up to a thousand times to get rid of a cancer tumor using an electrode wired to a bulky machine resembling a 1980s IBM computer.
But what if they put the cancer cells back? Would the pulse create some sort of response in the mouse? What if the mouse’s own immune system did the same work of the electric pulses and attacked the cancer cells?
When the post-doc researcher saw the tumor didn’t grow the second time, she and Beebe knew: The electric pulse must be triggering an immune response, a response that sends the animal’s own cancer-killing cells out to attack.
This was a big deal.
But the discovery in 2014 launched the center into new territory. Their work has shown they can not only kill cancer cells, but create a response that prevents a tumor from growing back. While the center hasn’t gotten federal approval to test their theories on humans, they hope that will come soon, and hope clinical trials will show humans having the same responses to the pulses.The center where Beebe works – the Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics – had for years been using these pulses to treat cancerous cells. They had recently been looking at treating melanoma.
The idea that the body sends out an immune response has been tried with other cancer therapies like radiation or drugs, said Dr. Anthony Welch, a program director at the National Cancer Institute, which has provided grants to the ODU center. The ODU research has a novel hypothesis, he said: that an electric pulse will trigger an immune response.
Still, Welch said, successful results in mice and rats don’t always translate to humans.
“The mouse is not a great predictor of the human situation,” Welch said. “They will have to do human trials before they really have any idea as to whether this is going to repeat in a human.”
That could take years followed by more time before the therapy is federally approved, he said.
“It’s a very cool idea,” Welch said. “It certainly should be followed up with more animal studies and hopefully they can move it into a clinical trial.”
Today, the ODU center is staffed with about 75 people. That includes faculty like Beebe, post-doctoral students and hired technicians, all from across many departments at Old Dominion.
Biochemists. Engineers. Biologists. All working under one roof.
About 23 people worked there when Richard Heller came on as director in 2008.
Heller, a professor and eminent scholar at ODU, focuses his work not necessarily on using pulses to kill cells but as a means to deliver drugs to treat infections. His work goes to show how the center sees more broad applications of pulse electricity in medicine.
He says they can help with brain trauma through deep-brain stimulation. Pulses can be used as a means to deliver DNA proteins to heal wounds, Heller said, or to deliver the same proteins to create blood vessels for someone suffering from ischemia, or a lack of blood supply to a particular organ.
“Every day, you go and talk to somebody and essentially a new idea shows up,” Heller said of the center. “I think the potential is endless. It’s so way beyond cancer.”
Those at ODU familiar with the center say few on campus or in Norfolk realize what’s happening right in their backyard.
There are reasons to pay attention. Last year, the university received $42 million in stock from a California company called Pulse Biosciences in exchange for a license on patents related to the center’s research. According to the university, it was the largest such licensing deal in ODU history.
Years ago, the center helped start an international bioelectrics consortium along with researchers from as far as Japan and Germany.
“It’s the top research institution for that area of research,” said Dr. Martin Gundersen, who directs the Pulsed Power Research Group at the University of Southern California and was colleagues with Karl Schoenbach, the founding director of ODU’s bioelectrics center.
“It spawned a worldwide effort,” Gundersen said.
The ODU team says cancer is a complex disease to treat. There is no real silver bullet for treatment. But the pulse research is a “big step forward,” Beebe said.
On a recent Tuesday, one of Beebe’s recruits, Brittney Ruedlinger, a center research assistant and graduate student at ODU, was in the lab looking through a microscope at a dish full of cells.
“I always thought this was the cool place to be,” said Ruedlinger, 32.
Cancer tricks the body into supporting it, Beebe said. So part of their work today involves learning more about how the pulse kills cells.
“We want to kill the cells in a way the immune system will see them,” he said, as Ruedlinger moved the contents of her dish – mitochondria, the “powerhouse” of the cell, responsible for creating energy – into small tubes.
The center will then pulse those same cells using a pulse generator machine. They want to see the effects.
Ruedlinger hopes her work will pay back in generations after her. So as the center await clinical trials and crosses its fingers for federal approval, Ruedlinger has her head down in the lab most days.
“I’m here because I’m looking at what the future holds,” she said.

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Sunday, July 1, 2018

How do you live to be 111 with no medications? Secret to Longevity HERE

Tell someone you're over 100 years old, and they might assume the worst right away, guessing that you have a dozen medication bottles next to the bed and that your health is quickly deteriorating. How could it be that a man who's going on 111 and taking no medication, who simply eats fresh vegetables, olive oil, honey, cinnamon, garlic and chocolate, can bounce around his kitchen like he's half his age?

When Bernando LaPallo of Mesa, Arizona tells his secrets of longevity and vitality, your jaw drops to the ground, wondering how he avoided all of the "ABCD's" of those "senior years" - you know, Alzheimer's, brittle bones, cancer and/or diabetes. Could it be that Western Medicine has it all wrong, and all we ever needed were raw veggies, super-foods, raw nuts and berries, and some barley soup? Maybe Medicare and Medicaid should broker a deal with the makers of power juicers and call it "Universal Healthcare."

This August, 2012, Bernando LaPallo will turn 111 years of age, and he still has no problem walking at least a mile daily and receiving phone calls from people all around the world who want to hear how he's done it, and how to make their own lives better. This author and role model keeps it so simple, you don't need a recipe book or health guide to live to be 110 or better.

Here's the (fountain of youth) breakdown and just a few of the raw food "natural medicines" you can turn into your own daily regimen, so your mind, body, and spirit can thrive well into triple digits:

• High quality, organic, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil: use on the skin as lotion; use as salad dressing; known to lessen risks of colon cancer and heart disease.

• Dark, organic chocolate: reduces stress; helps with depression; lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

• Organic garlic: helps fight coughs and colds; considered nature's antibiotic; helps with digestion and intestinal problems.

• Organic cinnamon: antibacterial and antifungal; reduces proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

• Organic honey: helps you lose weight; nature's energy booster; has antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

• Juice organic raw vegetables: A decent juicer costs less than $100.

And if you're not familiar with this style of turning fresh "veggies" into a drink, try these surprisingly tasty combinations: Carrot, cucumber, sweet potato, a quarter size slice of fresh ginger, and freshly squeezed lime.
Celery, kale, Granny Smith apple for sweetness, and of course lemon or lime juice.

Also, you don't have to let the vegetable pulp go to waste. Use it to enhance flavors in dishes or to bulk up your stew, or mix it with quinoa and maybe some diced onions as an accent.

Nature provides the untainted answer to building a strong vascular and immune system - one that can fight off infection, stress, arthritis, and even stave off the aging process. If you have not already, do further research into foods which are rich in antioxidants, enzymes, phyto-nutrients, and be sure to research foods that detoxify your body and destroy free radicals.

Eat right, exercise, don't be fooled by the pharmaceutical and medical myths and scams, and you might just be fortunate enough to live long and prosper, like Bernando LaPallo. You know what they say, "Where there's a will, there's a way."

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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Pain Management without DRUGS - Ancient Wellness Center in Virginia Beach

PEMF Therapy for Pain Relief! 

Discover your answer to PAIN MANAGEMENT without taking dangerous prescription medications that are addicting and have horrific side effects on your cleansing organs.

You can get your blood flowing to hurt areas, bring more oxygen and nutrients to the injury, and it won't cost you an "arm and a leg" either!

The following information was posted online by HealthCareInAmerica.Us at this link:


Chronic pain is one of the most disabling and troublesome conditions that doctors are called upon to treat. Most of the existing options for treating Chronic Pain are generally ineffective in dealing with anything more than low moderate to mild pain, and are associated with substantial risks of drug tolerance or side effects, addiction, and dependence.
However, the rapidly progressing field of Biomagnetics offers various therapeutic approaches that are of clinical value, particularly in patients who suffer from chronic pain that is impervious to more traditional therapeutics. Among these approaches, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) stands out as it has gained popularity with both physicians and patients due to its effectiveness and safety when dealing with chronic pain.
Let us see how to go about treating Chronic Pain with PEMF Therapy.
A PEMF device (that uses pulsed electromagnetic frequency technology) functions as an external generating source that provides the magnetic field needed for the expansion and contraction of cells. This enables the cells to circulate nutrients better, to move blood-oxygen through cells, and helps cells to detoxify. Additionally, the Magnetic Field might help the cells to re-charge themselves.
Concerning chronic pain reduction, PEMF can be used as an electrotherapeutic. It helps to improve blood circulation, not by increasing blood pressure or heartbeat, but by optimizing energy of the very cells in the capillaries and arteries. Improved circulation also alleviates pain by reducing edema (swelling), regenerating diseased and damaged tissue, and repairing fractured and torn bones and tendons. The body’s natural magnetic field is formed through the transmission of electric impulses through cell membranes and the flow of electrically charged ions in and out of cells.
Only a pulsed electromagnetic field force (generated by a PEMF device) and not static magnets can produce electrical variations on a cellular level in the body for cell metabolism to be influenced. Additionally, static magnets only generate continuous low levels of magnetic induction. PEMF delivers an extremely high intensity, short duration electromagnetic pulse combined with several frequencies. This results in a magnetic field that penetrates completely through muscles and joints in as little as 2 to 20 minutes, and consequently alleviates pain faster and has long-term benefit.
PEMF devices use precise low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (1000 Hz or less), also called complex neuroelectromagnetic pulses (Cnp), which represent a potentially new way of treating chronic pain. PEMF devices also fall within the fast-developing field of biomagnetics, a field that includes, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, deep brain stimulation and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (all connected to pain). PEMF devices are effective primarily since they are subthreshold, low-frequency, low-power electromagnetic waveforms (also called electromagnetic pulse-forms), specifically designed to target limbic cells in the brain (pain receptor cells in the brain).
PEMF devices of different strengths and various configurations have been found to have satisfactory results in a wide range of chronic pain conditions. PEMF therapy offers a slighter risk when compared to the likely invasiveness of other treatments and the risk of addiction, complications, and toxicity from medications. In various chronic pain conditions, exposure to PEMF has been linked to a speedy reduction in pain severity. Medical practitioners are becoming increasingly aware of the potential of PEMF to successfully treat the myriad of medical conditions that cause chronic pain.
  1. Hug K, Röösli M. Therapeutic effects of whole-body devices applying pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF): a systematic literature review. Bioelectromagnetics. 2012;33(2):95-105. [PubMed]
2. Jorgensen W, Frome B, Wallach C. Electrochemical therapy of pelvic pain: effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on tissue trauma. Eur J Surg Suppl. 1994;(574):83-86. [PubMed]
3. Sutbeyaz S, Sezer N, Koseoglu F, Kibar S. Low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in fibromyalgia: a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled clinical study. Clin J Pain. 2009;25(8):722-728. [PubMed]

PEMF Therapy for Pain Relief!

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Friday, June 29, 2018

Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy Saved My Life!! - Testimonial PEMF

Reblogged by Ancient Wellness

Testimonial posted Sept 9, 2014

Credit to PEMF India
original source here:

Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy Saved My Life !!

By Louise Jacobsen:

It all started with a blood clot in two of my fingers, then came sores on the fingers. Sometime later, there was gangrene in the fingers. I was treated with PEMF or pulsed magnetic fields during the three treatments where gangrene stopped (circulation). The effect I felt immediately after treatment and pain in the gangrene affected fingers went away. 

I got 4 extra treatments, after which the disease (went into) remission. These treatments lasted for 10 years.

Since 1985 I have been diagnosed with skleredermi, which is a connective tissue disease, and especially the tiny blood vessels are harmed as a result of an autoimmune response. It has an impact on the skin that becomes leathery thick and hard. It can get into your lungs, which become "rigid," and also other organs may suffer.

Yeah, I was in the hospital (they) could not do anything. My daughter recommended a specialist from Esbjerg, who had specialized in my illness skleredermi. It was this specialist who visited me in Lovrup, to try magnetic drum. He found out that my illness was quiet (dormant) and it had been for many years. The doctor was extremely puzzled, because I should not have the disease. He therefore concluded that it was the pulsating magnetic field that had helped me.

I bought Magneto throne to treat myself. My entourage wondered, of course, what happened, and would like to try the device. So they were allowed to. These were people with pain in the back, leg ulcers, asthma, allergies, gangrene, back pain, ulcers, psoriasis, pulmonary disorders, migraines (PEMF works super good for migraines) -- and it worked. The treatments were apparently (enough for) the body to heal itself. When I moved, (unfortunately) I had to sell Magneto throne, from Health-room taken buyout. 

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Cigarette Smokers Beg Mercy! We got you covered - PEMF and Mineral Supplements

Use PEMF Therapy to Improve Circulation and Help you Quit Smoking Cigarettes Forever

Many people who suffer from poor blood circulation, like smokers, are finding relief using PEMF Therapy. 
People with diabetes, build-up of fatty deposits and varicose veins are using PEMF Therapy to improve circulation in their legs and feet and improving their quality of life.

PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic field, and the earth pulses with an electromagnetic field that can be measured.

This magnetic pulse is as vital to life as food, air and water.

Our body also pulses with the same basic frequency as the earth, and the pulse from the earth works like a battery recharger for our bodies.

When we’re young, our body “pulses” about 3 to 5 times per minute and these pulses work like relay stations to help the blood flow through the body.

This is necessary, because the heart isn’t able to exert enough pressure to send the blood through all of our blood vessels.

As we get older, the number of times that our body “pulses” decreases, and instead of pulsing 3 to 5 times per minute, it “pulses” about once a minute.

Folks with diabetes only “pulse” about once every 10 minutes, and this is why they tend to have circulatory problems.

PEMF Therapy Mat works like a battery recharger and helps the human body to “pulse” like it should.

Watch this embedded video below for more information and explanation about circulation!

 If the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) really cared about helping people, they would tell you how to stop smoking, because certainly there are about 40 million people who would love to know. Quitting smoking is physiological and psychological, so scary advertisements and medications that make you crazy aren't going to cut it. Patches that release more addictive drugs only work for about 4% of those who try them. The scary ads of people with holes in their throats have about the same results, yet even half of those "success stories" return to smoking within six months, so slice that statistic in half. Hypnosis is mainly just a "psych-out" method to get you to convince yourself that you don't need to puff, but most people want and need more help than that. Nicotine is one of the most powerful addictions known to mankind, but it's actually broken in three to four days; the rest is about behavior modification and nutrition.

Before we delve into the 10 steps, realize this: There are only two types of people in this world, really - the kind who empower you or the kind who try to control you. Are you being controlled? Take the power back. Follow these 10 steps and stop smoking for good. Then you will look back at this day and remember "that was the day you turned the tables."

Read these 10 steps with an open mind and a readiness for personal empowerment. Today is the first day of the rest of your life as a non-smoker.

Top 11 Steps for Quitting Cigarettes Naturally

1. Buy organic tobacco and roll your own. This is how you will wean yourself off the juiced-up nicotine found in commercial cigarettes. Most tobacco and smoke shops carry organic tobacco - just ask or check it out online! Natural tobacco is an herb. (

2. Know exactly what the body needs daily to kill the cravings of nicotine. There are certain foods, beverages and herbs that will replenish your body's nutrient base that the 4,000 chemicals you've been smoking every day have depleted or destroyed. You need good gut bacteria/flora and you need organic fuel to keep from feeling stressed. (

3. Get the straight talk on central nervous system deficiencies and how to feel "normal" and "relaxed or excited" without nicotine. (

4. Find out how and why the nicotine potency you're getting is 35 times stronger than you think. (

5. Understand the term "cigarette hangover" and learn why it's the chemicals in cigarettes more than the nicotine that's fueling the habit from which you will begin escaping today. (

6. Get knowledge of proper nutrients, antioxidants, herbs and supplements recommended by highly regarded professionals who understand the process of quitting smoking.

7. Understand how breathing patterns changed when you became a smoker, and how you can get back to having healthy lungs and a healthy heart. (Get the best stop smoking book in the world - 14AndOut - Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days)

8. Cancer thrives in an acidic body where the cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrients. Learn how to return your system to a safe alkalinity and keep it that way daily, so you and your cells can "breathe" and have a great life without cigarettes. (

9. Learn about natural cures for both diet soda addiction and cigarette addiction. They are called superfoods, and this has been studied in great depth and detail. (

10. Avoid GMOs like the plague. Find out how genetically modified tobacco, food, drinks and even (GMO) medicine can damage your digestion, your breathing, your central nervous system and your critical thinking. Millions of people who succeed at quitting addictions return to them only because they pollute their bodies with other toxins and relapse. Genetically modified organisms can change your DNA during THIS lifetime. Avoid GMOs at all costs and keep your machine (your body) firing on all cylinders at all times and you can find your ideal health, starting right now. 

11. Check out the PEMF machine at Ancient Wellness.... links below

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Ancient Wellness Center provides a reliable pain relief without complications & side effects. PEMF for pain therapy offers many be...