Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Almost suicidal from PAIN - cancelled surgeries and used PEMF - almost immediate BENEFITS!

I was a woman who suffered from some very real health issues

For me, life had become a series of aches and pains that only seemed to get worse — until a girlfriend of mine casually mentioned pulsated electromagnetic field therapy and altered my entire world. Today, I am the president of Swiss Bionic Solution Canada and PEMF Global, an international speaker and a pulsated electromagnetic field therapy expert. But prior to encouraging people to become educated before they become medicated, I was a woman who suffered from some very real health issues.
To start, I had encountered debilitating back pain for years. That puts me on par with the majority, as Statistics Canada reports that four out of five adults will experience at least one episode of back pain at some point in their lives. Accompanying the back pain were severe headaches, two shoulder injuries for which I was supposed to have surgery, and irritable bowel syndrome.
It’s no surprise then that I gained weight, couldn’t sleep and had absolutely no energy. Stressed out and depressed, I was taking a number of painkillers, and visiting medical experts such as chiropractors to physiotherapists. Nothing was helping, at all.

I was willing to try anything

Completely unaware of how pulsated electromagnetic field therapy worked, I was willing to try anything by the time a friend suggested it in 2006. To put it quite simply, I just began to feel better. Despite skeptics that included my daughter (a nurse) and family members, I almost immediately saw the benefits of PEMF. My pains and aches subsided, allowing me to get back into the gym and lose the ten pounds I had gained from being inactive.

Feeling better about my body allowed me to stop stressing and sleep soundly, which resulted in increased amounts of energy. More importantly, the surgeries I was scheduled to have on my shoulders were cancelled — as was a hysterectomy. Still not having in-depth knowledge of pulsated electromagnetic field therapy, I began to spread the word about my seemingly remarkable recovery.

PEMFs are a very healthy, natural and effective solution to the growing health care crisis

In telling my tale, I sold hundreds of PEMF therapy units. And this was before I began to research man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that produce electro smog, which has been linked to increased occurrences of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, blood disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, headaches and sexual dysfunction.
In just four weeks, thanks to pulsated electromagnetic field therapy, I was on a plane to New Mexico to teach about the topic that had changed my life.
My life had changed drastically until a brutal boating accident, during which my boat capsized, threatened my progress. The accident left me completely black and blue from the neck down. With my entire body beat up, I was told that it would take up to six months to recover.
In just four weeks, thanks to pulsated electromagnetic field therapy, I was on a plane to New Mexico to teach about the topic that had changed my life. I am convinced that pulsated electromagnetic field therapy will become an even bigger part of mainstream North American medicine and the writing is on the wall.
With increased awareness, ample studies to prove the effectiveness and a desperate need to reduce drug dependency, PEMFs are a very healthy, natural and effective solution to the growing health care crisis.

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