Wednesday, June 20, 2018

What is DIRTY ELECTRICITY and how do I rid my body of it?

David Wolfe explains in just one of hundreds of his educational videos on YouTube how visiting the beach is one of the world's great ways to get connected to the earth. It's one reason people love vacations so much (and they might not even realize this is a prime source of their happiness), especially gorgeous beaches like in the Caribbean or Hawaii.

There exists a surface charge of negatively charged electricity on the earth and on bodies of water, as opposed to our positively charged atmosphere. The second you take off your rubber soled shoes or insulated footwear and your bare feet touch the sand, soil or water, the entire earth engulfs or envelops you. Conversely, carpets, wooden floors, vehicles and office buildings separate humans from the earth's electromagnetic field and change our own static field.

Wolfe explains how we become "isolated as an electromagnetic island," which makes us "susceptible to the bombardment of EMF frequencies (electro-magnetic), especially the low frequency range." This is called grounding technology, and scientists, health practitioners and nutritionists are finding out this has a huge impact on stress release, reduction of anxiety, and overall feelings of well-being.

According to Wolfe, we should go barefoot as much as possible, like when we were kids playing in the grass or on the sand. Even when we're stuck at work at a desk, we can use grounding and "earthing" technology to pull the electromagnetic field of the earth to us and drive off that aberrant EMF that's all around us, most of the time.

The earth and water are our best defense against the bombardment of electromagnetic frequencies, especially with mass use of newer technologies like Wifi, laptop computers, cell phones, appliances and all "smart" devices.

So let's talk about "dirty electricity," the effects of radiation, and what you can do to help protect yourself and your loved ones. There are very simple solutions you can utilize by rearranging your home, office, work space, and even your bedroom just a little here and there, and it makes a world of difference.

Again, here I thank David Wolfe for the insight on how to avoid the effects of "dirty electricity" (voltage, amperage and frequency) that now bombards most people's lives, and though the information age of technology is evolutionary and revolutionary, we don't want to be "devolutionary" and devolve our own health while learning, educating and spreading the truth through electronic media.

Using a grounding mouse pad and a grounding foot pad, David Wolfe shows us in a YouTube video the irrefutable, graphically-illustrated evidence that we are degrading our health with EMF overload, but that there are simple, inexpensive solutions to defend ourselves against it. Grounding pushes off the EMF fields of "noise" that hit us from all directions, all the time. We're talking about dirty, degrading and debasing ambient frequencies here.

In other words, using grounding technology, we can literally "push off" the dirty, positive charges using earth's natural negative charge and antioxidant "nutrition" that comes into our body. The grounding foot pad and mouse pad are connected to the ground wire of a building through the third (one-holed) prong we see in typical US and Canadian electrical wall outlets.

You absorb, as a human, these dirty frequencies by just sitting or standing in a room where the electrical devices are, but the voltage of dirty electricity entering our body doubles when we're holding just one electrical device, like a Kindle, for example. Imagine children, teens and young adults who are holding their smart phones and texting all day, or watching videos with the devices in their laps or held up to their faces, near their brain.

Simple grounding devices just mentioned take the effects of dirty electricity received by the body down to almost nothing (from multiple volts to under 20 millivolts). That's at least a hundred times decrease in EMF exposure. That's just while using a Kindle, for example. If you hold an I-pad, the exposure increases 6-fold – up to 24 volts! Simply touching a grounding pad brings that down to 0.7 volts from 24 volts. Amazing. Unplugging a computer while you're working is a major improvement also.

This may explain why kids today are so inundated with "disorders" the doctors just can't seem to explain or cure, like insomnia, ADD and ADHD. Then the MDs go about their lucrative business of slinging lab drugs on our children that have horrific side effects, including thoughts of suicide, violence and homicidal behaviors. It's insane and it's happening right under our noses, literally.

These static charges are irritants. We can change our internal environment by walking barefoot on the soil, sand or in water. According to David Wolfe, you will even feel the difference. How? Instead of getting polluting with bad energy, you get good energy from the earth. We're talking about natural electrical nourishment from the earth. It's almost like consuming organic, raw, whole food, like kale or parsley, that's chock full of nutrients.

Start looking into these inexpensive products that can remove this dirty electricity from your body daily. Find mouse pads, foot pads and shoes. Some alternatives to rubber soled shoes are Vibram fivefinger shoes or hemp shoes (slippers) made from natural materials like hemp, which allow your back and spine to move naturally. You see, it's impossible for a shoe-wearing human to have a natural gate. So, the more you can go barefoot, the better off you'll feel and the more natural your health will be in general. The earth blocks the low frequencies for us, all we have to do is get connected much more often.

Are you living in a cement city, where developers have turned every last "square" of Nature into a parking lot or strip mall? Do you feel dehumanized and debased because you're surrounded by bleached walls, tarred streets, cement sidewalks, electro-magnetic frequencies, automobile exhaust, factory pollution, hospitals, Walmarts, K-marts, pharmacies, and Wifi frequencies galore?

Check out PEMF – Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency Therapy!  

Learn More from Dr. Pawluk

1 comment:

  1. This was a great read. There are so many strange illnesses kids have that there is no medical explanation for. That goes for adults as well. So many people just can’t sleep at night. Let’s not even talk about cancer. PEMF looks like the most powerful way to reverse the effects.


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